Posts Tagged ‘Mobile’

While I finish up the other reports, a video showing most of the AndCooper code analysis reports:

You will notice not only we get UML diagrams within javadocs  but also some jdepend diagrams.

Android ORM Coming

Posted: June 14, 2009 in Android, Java, Mobile
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Hello, are you aware that we are getting an ORM for Android 2 or  2,5? Dreamsource evidently just committed their DreamSource GWT ORM code to the Android project. That means it will not only be accessible for GWT/Gears on Android but also JDBC for SQLite.

Punctuated Sky
Image by Chris Gin via Flickr

For those who have been asking upon reading about my Android Build Tool AndCooper progress, yes I will be making a separate download available that contains specialized Checkstyle and PMD files set up for Android development. I should have those files up over the weekend.

Once the links for the downloads is up will place a link to  it at AndMob.

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I am now on the Report Writer code portion of AndCooper development. On one hand I could easily state that it should  be in groovy and a separate project. The problem is that fragments it in certain ways that I do not like.

If I choose to embedd the groovy code in the ANT script than I can re-use the code in the Android Mobile Build Continuous Integration Server project and everything is right there ready to test rather than run ant scripts from multiple projects. Which means I should set every report to xml and have that as an undelrying requriement that each code analysis/metric tool has to output reports in xml form so that I can transofrm that into an Android Developemnt specialized structure and format.

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