Posts Tagged ‘Agile’

I am now on the Report Writer code portion of AndCooper development. On one hand I could easily state that it should  be in groovy and a separate project. The problem is that fragments it in certain ways that I do not like.

If I choose to embedd the groovy code in the ANT script than I can re-use the code in the Android Mobile Build Continuous Integration Server project and everything is right there ready to test rather than run ant scripts from multiple projects. Which means I should set every report to xml and have that as an undelrying requriement that each code analysis/metric tool has to output reports in xml form so that I can transofrm that into an Android Developemnt specialized structure and format.

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Image representing Android as depicted in Crun...
Image via CrunchBase

When I started developing AndCooper I certainly did not intend to build a continuous integration server. But, along the way it seemed that Android Application development might need one. Not in the sense that it attempts to solve all problems but problems that are specific to Android Application Development.

What does a mini-continuous integration server look like? Its very small in Ant build script size and made to act as a Java Builder within modern IDE tools to get that incrmental set of builds as the developer is coding and thus generate code analysis reports as the develpoer is developing code. The analysis is specifically adjusted to pertain to Android developer challgnes, for example a new set of PMD rules beyond the PMD provided ruleset for Android, such as a rule checking for services leaks in  code.

On the ease of code analaysis report use and etc, a web dash board to view reports and eventually BiRT functionalities to query analysis data. The mini-continuous integration server for Android application development looks different in that  there is no server really deploy just drop it in yoru project folder and point the IDE JavaBuilder to use the build script, its just that simple.

As I finish version 0.1 over the weekend I am wondering how AndCooper will be received by Google, OHA members such as Motorola and etc as having a mini-continuous integration server for Android application development is kind of a new concept. And having support for javascript analysis for webview Android applications is a even neweer concept. Its a trail that no-one has trail-blazed before.

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