Posts Tagged ‘Open Handset Alliance’

Google CEO announced in talks to the press that Android just reaqched the milestone of 200,000 activations per day
which surpasses the iphone daily activation rates bragged by Apple. But what does this mean?
Lets put this in perspective. That is 6 million devices per month or 18 million devices per quarter. Nokia is
currently at about 80 million devices per quarter.But market share wise Apple has about 300 to 400 million device customers while Nokia has about 1 billion device customers. The key will bethe Market changes that are happening now and in the 4th quarter of 2010 and the feature set of upcoming Android 3.0(Gingerbread).
Let me explain. To decrease someone’s market share the activiation rates have to at some point double per quarter.
Other-wise the increase is just eating away a few percentage points of the full number of devices in consumer hands.
Out another way if we reach 400,000 Android Device Activations daily activiations before Jan 1st 2011 that is enough
in one year to decarese Apple’s market share by half and Nokia’s by about 25%.
That is a strong confirmation that the often-strange way of having OHA partners work on a valued-closed-behind-the-scenes
next android release trunk source at break-neck speeds along with Google Engineers is working as an effective way to
put new features in hands of Hardware OEMs at a fast iterations required for the consumer smartphone sector.
But, this only half the story as both hardware OEMs and software OEMs(that are members of OHA) have also made some
critical iterations. We have improvements of the MediaCore(OpenCore) at a rapid pace. We also have at the same
time SoC OEMs who are members of OHA making it possible to obtain their low cost SoC solutions and build a
1 GHZ $100-priced android device. In the next 6 months you will see another iteration dropping that consumer
price to $50 for an Android 1 GHZ device.

Google CEO announced in talks to the press that Android just reaqched the milestone of 200,000 activations per day which surpasses the iphone daily activation rates bragged by Apple. But what does this mean?
Lets put this in perspective. That is 6 million devices per month or 18 million devices per quarter. Nokia iscurrently at about 80 million devices per quarter.
But market share wise Apple has about 300 to 400 million device customers while Nokia has about 1 billion devicecustomers. The key will bethe Market changes that are happening now and in the 4th quarter of 2010 and the feature set of upcoming Android 3.0(Gingerbread).
Let me explain. To decrease someone’s market share the activiation rates have to at some point double per quarter.Other-wise the increase is just eating away a few percentage points of the full number of devices in consumer hands.Out another way if we reach 400,000 Android Device Activations daily activiations before Jan 1st 2011 that is enoughin one year to decarese Apple’s market share by half and Nokia’s by about 25%.
That is a strong confirmation that the often-strange way of having OHA partners work on a valued-closed-behind-the-scenesnext android release trunk source at break-neck speeds along with Google Engineers is working as an effective way toput new features in hands of Hardware OEMs at a fast iterations required for the consumer smartphone sector. But, this only half the story as both hardware OEMs and software OEMs(that are members of OHA) have also made somecritical iterations. We have improvements of the MediaCore(OpenCore) at a rapid pace. We also have at the sametime SoC OEMs who are members of OHA making it possible to obtain their low cost SoC solutions and build a1 GHZ $100-priced android device. In the next 6 months you will see another iteration dropping that consumerprice to $50 for an Android 1 GHZ device.

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The Android 2.2 Sdk release is probably on Wed morning. But, this sdk release is different.

Not only do we have a quarter where android device sales surpassed iphone(remember I told you it was going to happen in 2010 not 2011), we also have an Android SDK that represents both Google and OHA taking outside suggestions and incorporating that into the SDK. Such improvements as a Dalvik Just-In-time(JIT) unit and being able to store applications on a SD-card.

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You might be wondering you should you the Android Developer be looking at that link on the right hand side of my blog that lists all my Android Apps Looking Like IPhone Apps knol articles.

This what a typical Android Application title bar looks like:

Notice that it looks like oh say dog shit? We have complained about this since oj say Android 1.1 SDK as far as title bar blandness. Now look at this:

Now does that not look somewhat better? Article tutorial should be up sometime this evening, hit the knol link on the right hand side of this blog. We have the power to get to this high quality because Google and OHA  built an open mobile Operating System and some very cool application APIs on top of it.

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Posted: September 28, 2009 in Android, Java, Mobile
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I have resisted the temptation to weigh in on this as I wanted to see what would come to be., I see signs of developer efforts to assist the ecosystem, OMEs, OHA members, and etc in the process of the balance between an open Mobile Operating System Platform and business concerns of all parties. The response from develoeprs has been overwhelming in the desire to push forward in amign the Open Android OS platform work. But what point may have been missed might also be important.

Let me preface this with the point that the Google Engineers, HTC Engineers, T-Mobile  personnel, Motorola Engineers, and other OHA member Engineers on the Android Developer lists have been extremely good about communicating with outside developers. In my own case of developing AndCooper Android Java ANT-based tool and some Android Project contributions I always get answers I need and always am able to pick up new valuable information about Android OS internals.

However, at times there is a large disconnect in communication levels  above that development layer a times. At times it make sit as far as an outside developer who does develop applications and does contribute back code to the Android  Project feel like I am driving a racing car whose windows are  in darkness effectively driving blind. Some of that missing communication cannot be helped. However, the out pouring of the desire to help over the weekend should indicate to all OHA members that the power to help grow that Android OS ecosystem and project code remains a untapped reource if communication above the developer layer continues to have ‘disconnections’

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